Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! It's definitely one of my favorite holidays... lol I love that my family invites all of the random people that they can find. I love that we have 3 Thanksgiving dinners annually, and I love that I get to spend all day long watching my mother being the perfect hostess with the mostess! :)

As I return back to the same old thing of normal life, I am finding myself dreaming and planning for something so much more. I don't know if that's a bad sign, but maybe it's a little normal. Maybe more than anything else, I'm understanding what is most important to me. Sadly, maybe for the first time in my life, I'm actually learning the things in this world that are deserving of value (family, for one... whatever it may look like for you).

This is one of the things that I hate about growing up, and especially hate what growing amounts of responsibility do to you! You have this constant twinge of pain for the people you love that are hurting. You have constant fear of the unknown. You have this overwhelming conviction to be a better person than yesterday in the hopes of actually making a difference in the world. At the age of 23, I am quickly and overwhelmingly learning that I am nothing. That I have nothing. That everything can change in a minute. BUT, I am also learning that the world is begging for me to jump into it. I am learning that my opportunities are endless as long as I try. I am learning that everyday is meant to be lived, and it's not meant to be idle. For that fact alone, I'm grateful!

I'm grateful that each day is a new day, and I'm grateful that I am blessed beyond measure. I am grateful that I am here; that I have today, and that I have hope for tomorrow. What are you grateful for? What has been the growing concern and twinge of pain because of love most recent to you?


PS: Keep dear Erin's family in your thoughts and prayers. They're learning to see God's grace through the most dismal situations. Maybe she'll blog about it??? Erin, no one folllows us - no one even views our blog -  blog everything you're feeling... who knows, maybe it'll help someone, which would be the epitome of God's grace and glory in that alone! :) We love you!

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