Monday, November 29, 2010

My debut

Hello blog world,
This is Suzy…one of the three “writers” of this blog. I use that statement lightly as only KT has blogged so far. So, to prove to her I am a part of it, here I am blogging about nothing in particular. I never said I was good at blogging. Would I love to be? Yes! I actually love blogs, read numerous peoples blogs more often than I care to admit. But I never seem to do any of it myself. Always good intentions….never a follow through.  
But isn’t that why we started this blog? Three single girls in our twenties, sick of letting life pass us by, sick of having good intentions without ever following through with them.  We are all sick of the stereotypes, not wanting to sit around and wait for life to start. All knowing we don’t need anyone else for life to begin, despite that being the “status quo”. Ready to live our dreams, make our own stories, and enjoy the journey God has for us. So that’s what we are trying to do, no matter how small the story. Make the most of every opportunity. Instead of saying “I’ve always wanted to try (enter new fun exciting place here)”, we are actually going out and doing it.
So far it has been fun, and we have found some really neat places that otherwise we might have never found! And I’m not going to lie, I am quite the homebody. Most nights I’m completely content sitting at home, on the couch in my pj’s, watching television, or reading, or talking to Kristin. Especially on work nights when I have been on my feet for close to 13 hours. But that’s the best part of being with these two, they are the dreamers, the go getters, passionate about their interests, passionate about getting out and making the most of our single years. And so, I am happy being a part of the ride. I’m loving it.
I don’t know if anyone else but us three reads this blog. And if I’m being honest, after this post, I would be ok if no one else did because then people would know how bad of a writer I really am. But I am glad we have this blog to keep track of this crazy life we all are leading. I’m excited to go out and explore this little town we call home and keep a record of the fun we have. And I love having friends that are in the same part of life as me, who know we don’t have to just sit around and wait for life to begin, we can start living life now.
Happy KT? J

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